Mark Bengtsson
Mark was admitted as a lawyer in 1985 and has been advising customer owned banks and credit unions since 1988, for the first 30 years in partnership with the firm’s founder, David Daniels. Mark has both a Master of Laws & a Master of Business Administration (Executive).
His areas of practice include:
• banker/customer law
• regulatory compliance in the provision of retail banking and lending services
• corporate governance, directors’ duties, “fit and proper” assessments, board renewal and succession planning, and director/board performance assessments
• reengineering of banking and lending services for digital delivery
• independently reviewing Risk Management Frameworks and ICAAPs
• business strategy including the formulation of Recovery Plans

Matthew Chan
Matthew has over 20 years’ experience primarily in the areas of retail banking compliance and corporate governance. He has extensive experience and knowledge of the Mutual Banking sector. Matthew’s areas of expertise include financial services and credit licensing regulation, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing obligations, banker/customer law, corporate constitutional and secretarial matters, transfers of business and general commercial advice. He has also advised financial institutions on matters of legal and regulatory compliance, contractual arrangements, corporate governance practices, mergers, and capital raising.

Sharleen Tran
Sharleen has been with us since 2010 and in that time has assisted her clients with designing and implementing changes to address major legislative reforms including the introduction of the Personal Property Securities Act, extensive changes to privacy legislation in 2014, and the recent and ongoing changes stemming from the introduction of Open Banking. Sharleen primarily advises clients on banker/customer law and National Credit Code compliance. She also advises on debt recovery (both regulated under the National Credit Code and unregulated), complaints to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, financial services advertising, and both Powers of Attorney documents and how a financial institution deals with deceased estates. Sharleen has a Master of Laws (Corporate and Commercial)(Dispute Resolution) with Honours.

Oscar Sobalirov
Oscar joined us in 2018 and since then he has worked across most of our practice areas. He primarily advises on advertising and privacy law, corporations and financial services law including licensing and significant breaches, terms and conditions and commercial agreements, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing legislation and other general compliance matters. Oscar also assists clients with understanding and implementing changes stemming from major reviews such as the Hayne Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

Adam Parker
Adam has been with us since 2020 and has worked in various areas across the firm. He primarily advises and assists clients with dispute matters, including Internal Dispute Resolution complaints and Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) matters. Adam assists clients on various aspects of the dispute process, such advising on the prospects of successfully defending a complaint, drafting responses to AFCA, and attending AFCA conciliation meetings on the Mutual’s behalf. He is also experienced in other areas of Banking and General Law including reviews of deceased estates and Powers of Attorney, advising on lending matters, and assisting with compliance with the Consumer Data Right scheme.

Tara Carroll
Tara joined our team in 2021 and has been working across numerous practice areas since her commencement. Tara mainly assists and advises clients in relation to reviews of Powers of Attorney and Deceased Estates, advertising and trade promotions, privacy law and other general legal compliance matters including credit legislation and credit reporting.

Annmarie Day
Annmarie has been part of our firm (and its predecessors) since 1989. She is our office manager and legal secretary. She assists with the day-to-day running of our firm together with carrying out general administrative duties. Annmarie has a long-standing affiliation with our clients having known many of them for over 25 years.

Elaine Bavcar
Elaine has been with us since 2008 and is a paralegal. Elaine assists Sharleen and Adam with debt collection work stemming from the initial Letters of Demand to the preparation and filing of Court Documents. Elaine has a good rapport with existing clients and is always keen to form solid relationships with new clients.

Zachary Sullivan
Zach joined our firm in 2024 and is currently studying Law and Business (Finance) at the University of Technology Sydney. He assists our lawyers across various practice areas with research to support client queries and resources.